Sunday, July 30, 2006

A walk down memory lane

Oh my goodness. My sister, Christoline was going through some shoeboxes full of photos and came across these. It's a bit of a walk down memory lane and a shock to think I was once that skinny. (grin)
I remember the first one. Christoline (in the blue overall) and I were going to a high school dance. I think the "mod" look was in right then which would explain the strange glasses and the belts.
The one next to that was taken in the US when I went over as an exchange student.

Christoline's wedding back in the 80s. The girl with the blond hair is Teressa, she was a high school friend from Johannesburg.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Beugger update from Durban

John and his beautiful wife, Bernadine.

Photo was taken at St. Lucia in South Africa.

John is the brother of Christine Abbott (mother to Tricia).

Just in case you didn't know.....

Monday, July 24, 2006

Family down under (kinda)

Meet Garret Gustav Beugger, 19 (born July 16, 1987 - same birthday at Granny Win by the way).
His hobbies include Reading, Writing, Playing Computer Games and modelling Warhammer 40,000. Ok Garret - only you know what that is.
He is attending Don College in Tasmania and his future aspirations? "Well at the moment it looks like I’m gonna follow in the same steps as your other half Mark. At school I’m doing a VET(vocational education, donno what the “T” for) Info Tech course. Which’ll columate in a IT traineeship (at some school somewhere). In my spare time I do fire training with my local volunteer brigade, which a hope to become a full time fire fighter."
All we can say is "Wow!"
Favourite place to go on holiday: Greece he says because he read so much about its past.
"I wanta visit the pathanon!!!"
Garret's favourite colours (for those single girls out there) include red, black and blue(not in that order).
As for music, our 19-year-old cousin down under likes alternative music and when he is not fighting fires he enjoys his hobbies and driving or/and visiting friends.
Cousin - you sound perfect, but do you have any physical deformities?
"The ability to fly (but only in my dreams!!!! L) LOL"
Way to go!!!!!

If anyone wants to say hi to Garret - please leave a comment - I'm sure he will check it. As for the single girls - please send photos with brief description of hobbies. (lol)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Home sweet home

Ah, summer. That wonderful time of the year when temperatures soar, the beaches fill up and life in Bermuda comes to a screaming halt, or should I say slows down to a crawl.
Suddenly the pavements are swarming with tourists, cruise ships overshadow the Front Street of Hamilton and everywhere you go, accents from far and distant places mingle with that of the locals. Ah, summer.
Of course with summer comes the hurricane season and so far this year we've been lucky - only one hurricane - to our south - and a tropical storm to our north. So much for those predictions from the US. Although I shouldn't speak too soon -- there are still a few months to go before the season passes. Can you believe this part of the world saw a hurricane in January - Hurricane Zeta. That has apparently never happened before. So you see, you never know.
Mark and I were here for Hurricane Fabian in 2003.
I've included some photos. Luckily our home - the view we have above - is protected from the winds of the South. Mark was outside at the height of the storm having a smoke.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Abbott clan

Hello from the Abbott clan
I'm Alfred Densil, born 20/01/1954.
I am an account manager with Transtel the telecommunications wing of the Transnet group, I have a sideline / after hours business in the home repairs/ handy man field with over 50 regular customers.
Hobbies are camping, walking and lazing around the pool at home.
I got married on the 11/11/1978 , to Carolina Maria van Rensburg (Linda) born on 20/11/1957 who is a company secretary with a n accounting firm.
Her hobbies are reading, walking, camping and trying out different dishes in the kitchen . I have converted her from a Dutchman to a true Irishman.

Sons include Craig Phillip 18 years old (turns 19 next month) and is a first year student in IT engineering still one to go, hobbies music, swimming,weight training, water polo and playing guitar, he is leader in the churchworship team at the Vincent Methodist church drives a Austin Mini 1275.
He has a cockatiel as a pet and he has a weekend job at Sportsman's Warehouse that helps with girlfriend costs.

Next is Ryan Clarence 16 and a half (The naughty one) who is in grade 10 at Stirling High School. His hobbies are water polo, swimming, skating, body boarding / surfing and smoking "Hubbly" with his mates", plays drums in the worship team and shares everything with every one. He has a weekend job in a local hardware store and gets more money than Craig as he has more friends.
His pets are a fish tank with some fish.

Lastly is Dylan Richard who is 12 years old (we tried for a girl) who is in grade 5 at Arcadia school. He is very active and his hobbies are following me around, music, swimming and chatting and following Linda around, his pet is a hamster, a cat and a dog - we have them all and they are all males by the way.

Regards, Densil, Linda and the clan

PS: Tricia here. If you are family (Abbott/Beugger/Beukes, Landmark, Walters etc) and you have some photos you would like to see on the blog, please e-mail them to me at
I look forward to hearing from you all.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Latest photo contributions from family

The Landmarks in Australia, launching their latest addition to the family - "TOM" and Devon Hodgson in Kimberley, South Africa, sporting a new hairstyle.