The strange animals part...
Meet our children.
Cutie Pie (top) and Mr. Mouse (left)
Both born in South Africa about 15 years ago. Cape Town to be exact. They have travelled the world with us. Not always enjoyed it, but they've come along for the ride.
This is the latest addition. He joined our family about two years ago. His name is Puss-Puss.Origins unknown, but we believe he was born in Bermuda about five years ago. He is a Maine Coon - an American breed which are known to grow quite large. He currently weighs about 5.2 pounds and dominates the neighbourhood. Champion rat-catcher and killer and feared by all critters - including his new brother and sister.
One big happy family. Quite content to spend the night on the couch watching television. Life doesn't get more exciting that that in the winter here in Bermuda.
Anyway, they're old cats - at least two of them are.
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